Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Desert Soils Need Organics Added!

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Desert Soils Need Organics Added!: Q. I'm planting new fruit trees this year. I've noticed there seems to be a consensus that backfilling should be done with only n...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Fruit Trees and the Benefits of Wood Mulch

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Fruit Trees and the Benefits of Wood Mulch: Q. Could you provide me with a copy of the mulch trial you conducted on fruit trees several years ago? You randomly applied mulch to diffe...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Compost and Steer Manure Not the Same on Lawns

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Compost and Steer Manure Not the Same on Lawns: Q.  Recently you recommended applying compost to lawns. I am confused if you mean steer manure. How often do you recommend doing this? When...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Compost and Steer Manure Not the Same on Lawns

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Compost and Steer Manure Not the Same on Lawns: Q.  Recently you recommended applying compost to lawns. I am confused if you mean steer manure. How often do you recommend doing this? When...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Viburnum Leaf Browning Probably NOT Spider Mites

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Viburnum Leaf Browning Probably NOT Spider Mites: What’s happening to my Spring Bouquet (Viburnum Tinus)?  It bloomed beautifully in the Spring for several years (including this past Sprin...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Cana Lily Care in the Desert

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: Cana Lily Care in the Desert: Q. What is the proper care for Canna lilies. Since they are a dominant plant in my landscaping here in Palm Springs, I'd like to know w...

Xtremehorticulture of the Desert: I Hate Resolving Disagreements

I Hate Resolving Disagreements about potting soil: Q. Please settle a disagreement between my wife and me. Each spring my wife plants several plants in pots for our patio using bagged pottin...

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Are Organic Fertilizers Really Organic?

The organic movement has a foothold in the turfgrass and ornamental industry. The same industry brewing for decades in home vegetable gardens, and then with small-scale producers, has emerged as a significant market percentage for commercial landscapers. Homeowners are asking for “organic” landscape plants, organic methods of controlling pests and applications of “organic” fertilizer to their landscapes.

            Alternative methods for producing and maintaining ornamentals and turfgrass have been around for a long, long time. In the past, very few residential clients were willing to pay for the additional costa associated with the product. That may be changing thanks to local food movements and organic agriculture1. The word “organic” has become synonymous with “wholesome” and “safe”.
Technically, manufactured urea fertilizers are "organic" but not certified organic
            Organic has a different meaning in landscape horticulture industry. Organic can mean sources that are not synthetic or conventional. Organic amendments, such as municipal and animal sources of biosolids, can be applied to improve soil physical and chemical properties which in turn can improve turfgrass establishment rates, growth, and quality. We know, for instance, that in poor or marginal soils the incorporation of compost improves soil properties, increases soil nutrients and consequently improves plant growth. In soils with a naturally higher percentage of organic matter these improvements are less noticeable.
EZ Green Composted chicken manure we carry is "organic" and certified organic
            Research at Colorado State University evaluated the effects of applying composted dairy manure as topdressing to Kentucky bluegrass. Researchers applied compost at the rates of 13.3, 26.6 and 40 cubic yards to the acre. Applying composted manure as topdressing to established bluegrass in 2003 through 2004 improved the soil’s physical properties and nutrient content.

Effects of Compost Topdressing on Turf Quality and Growth of Kentucky Bluegrass

            Although nothing new, the application rates are important. The two higher rates improved turfgrass overall quality and allowed the grass to retain color in the fall, early winter and green up faster in the spring. Not bad for a product that is not considered a fertilizer.
This composted dairy manure from Amargosa Valley is organic but not "certified organic"
            During the hot summer months the two higher application rates produced about 50% more clippings. The researchers concluded that compost improves turf quality and shoot growth via its action as a slow-release fertilizer.
            More turfgrass clippings sound like a potential landscaper’s nightmare but there is a positive side to this “problem”.  Increased amounts of clippings in summer months helps suppress the incidence of hot weather diseases. Infected leaf blades are removed through regular mowing and mulched back into the turfgrass sward or removed from the property.
Summer patch disease on tall fescue is a disease commonly controlled with biosolid composts
            Disease suppression by composts, composted biosolids and compost teas in vegetable crops has been documented fairly well. But research has been conducted on the suppressive effects of composts, such as biosolids, on turfgrass diseases as well, dating back 20 years or more.
Viragrow compost is "organic" but not "certified organic" because it contains biosolids
            This research shows promise to “organic” gardeners by reducing the application of fungicides, synthetic fertilizers and other chemicals to home lawns. Composts show promise in controlling turf diseases such as Pythium, summer patch, brown spot, dollar spot, red thread, necrotic ring spot and others.  Reductions in the applications of pesticides such as fungicides, directly supports the “organic” movement whether it is truly organic or not.
            Researchers at Texas A and M University, from 2005 through 2008, demonstrated the benefits from composts used for soil improvement and nutrient enrichment can be transferred from the sod farm to newly established landscapes. Previous studies with sod that recycled manure-based soil amendments as topdressing indicates that 77% of the phosphorus and 47% of the nitrogen might be removed and transported in a single sod harvest.
            About one quarter of the cubic yard of composted biosolids was incorporated to rootzone depth in a cubic yard of native soil when establishing Tifway bermudagrass sod. Researchers measured that five times more nitrogen and seven times more phosphorus was available to turfgrass grown in biosolids compared to grass grown without biosolids.
            After two sod harvests, all of the nitrogen and phosphorus applied from the biosolids was removed with the sod. These nutrients were transferred, with the sod, to the landscape.
            Although not demonstrated, researchers claimed that this could result in faster establishment times and better turfgrass cover in a shorter period of time. This, of course, would reduce the amount of fertilizers needed during sod establishment. Another coup for the organic movement.
Tall fescue sod with plastic netting for holding the sod together
            They also found that sod established with biosolids was lighter in weight than sod grown without biosolids. Biosolids-grown sod contained more water but less native soil than sod without biosolids. This helped preserve the native soil. Less fuel is needed for transporting the sod. Organics, are you listening?
            Composts, when used as a fertilizer, releases nutrients slowly, acting like a slow-release fertilizer. When establishing turfgrass in sod farm operations, rapid turfgrass establishment is important so a rapid release of nutrients, particularly nitrogen, is needed.
Ammonium sulfate, 21-0-0, is not "organic" and it is not "certified organic" but it is high in nitrogen
            This was not going to happen with compost-amended soils. So the researchers applied either 50 or 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre at the time of sprigging (establishment) to supplement the slowly-released nutrients contained in the compost.
            Because of the application of supplemental nitrogen, the time between harvests in biosolids-amended soil plus fertilizer was reduced 60% compared to the time needed for sod grown with biosolids only.
            Similarly, other researchers reported better turf coverage and density when a two to three inch depth of compost was incorporated to a 6 inch soil depth compared to soil without compost. They attributed these responses to improvements in the soil’s physical properties such as better pore spaces, greater rooting depth and improved drainage.
            Composts can be over-applied to landscapes. This can become a serious environmental concern to surface waters such as irrigation ponds and waterways. When composts high in nutrients such as nitrogen are applied to turfgrass as topdressing, researchers have found a significant amount of nitrogen can be transported to these waterways.
            Incorporation of composts to a greater depth should reduce the amount of nutrients removed compared with topdressing. Incorporation of composts to greater depths should allow for less frequent applications as well which would save money. In addition, soil incorporation of biosolids should reduce the potential for runoff of nutrients after establishing in urban landscapes.

1USDA “trademarked” the term “organic” into its National Organic Program in The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. This federal act required USDA to develop national standards for organic products and was codified in 2000 (Code of Federal Regulations at 7 C.F.R. 205). So far, it has only been applied to food crops. http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop

Bob Morris, Consultant for Viragrow, Inc.

Viragrow Delivers!

Properties and Uses of Whitewash Paint

This standard includes guidance on the preparation of whitewash paint. It also includes general information on its composition, characteristics, advantages and uses. Most modern whitewash paint is made from latex paint. The most common dilution is 50/50 ….. water/paint.

Whitewash tree paint is available from Viragrow


      A water-based paint
Composed primarily of water and lime mixed to form a thin paste.
Binders are often added to improve the durability and chalking resistance of whitewash paint. These can include wheat, rye or buckwheat), starch varnish, glue, skim milk, whiting, brown sugar, vegetable oil plasticizer, casein, formaldehyde, borax or sulfate of zinc.

Fruit trees painted with whitewash paint
     Alum was sometimes added as a hardener to prevent the coating from rubbing off.
     Carbolic acid was sometimes added to create "sanitary" whitewash.
     Indigo and bluing were popular additives in counteracting the tendency of some binders to yellow.
     Whitewash can be tinted; historically, they were tinted with earth pigments, brick or stone dust; currently, lime-fast pigments are recommended.


    Adheres best to rough porous surfaces.  It does not adhere well to smooth porous surfaces
    When applied to a surface, the mixture forms a thin opaque film of calcium carbonate (plaster).


    Fairly easy to make.
    Non-yellowing (because there is no oil binder).
    Less expensive than other finishes.
    Effective in adhering to masonry surfaces.
    Considered a "sanitary" coating exhibiting disinfectant qualities (i.e. sometimes used to retard the decay of wood).
    Somewhat effective as a fire retardant and thermal insulator when applied in thick layers. (Not recommended to apply in thick coats for fruit trees)


    Historically used on the exterior to reflect heat.
    Also, historically used to protect fruit tree trunks from frost and insects.
When properly mixed and applied, new growth has no trouble getting through a thin layer of whitewash


NOTE:  This mix has good adhesion and chalk resistance.  It can also stand covered for several days before using.

    Make the lime paste by soaking 50 lbs. of hydrated lime in 6 gallons clean water
                                                   - OR -
    Slake 25 lbs. of quicklime in 10 gallons of boiling water.  Either combination will make about 8 gallons of paste.
Dissolve 15 lbs. of salt or 5 lbs. dry calcium chloride in 5 gallons of water.
Combine with lime paste and mix thoroughly.  Thin with fresh water as necessary.


   Before whitewashing any surface, gently wash the surface with vinegar.
   Be sure that brushes and pails are clean; be sure to strain the wash.
   Always slake the lime with boiling water and cover container with sackcloth or burlap to keep in the steam.
   Never let the lime dry up - when the lime has broken up, keep covered.
   When the lime has thinned to the right consistency, add 2 tablespoons of salt to each pail of wash.
   Add pigments if desired to achieve color.

Whitewash can be applied using sprayers or with a brush

Viragrow Delivers!

Viragrow Has Certified Playground Material for Children's Play Areas

Q. Do you sell a certified Playground Material for play areas?

A. I am taking the following information directly from Viragrow’s website and can be found at
Viragrow’s playground material is the last entry on this webpage.

Taking the information directly from the website, You can see a picture of this material on the website and here.

Certified Playground Material (Mulch)

Available by the cubic yard or cubic foot

Meets Health District requirements as a certified playground material. Northern Utah sawmill wood is shipped in directly and chipped with a specialized wafer grinder. Only untreated and unpainted wood is used to produce a certified safe environment for play.

Certified Playground Material meets ATSM F1292-95 at a 12" of material thickness at temperatures of 30F, 72F and 120F.

Health Department regulations require a minimum of an 8 inch depth upon installation and settling.

I hope this answers your question. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me or call Viragrow at 702-399-3868.

Soft Rock Phosphate May Not Be What You Think It Is

Q. I discovered from the internet that soft rock phosphate apparently does not work in alkaline soil. Does our Las Vegas soil contain any phosphate? I wonder if in long term it can be unlocked with some fungi or something like that. 

Rock Phosphate
Viragrow does not carry rock phosphate. 0-3-0
A. There is some phosphorus in all soils. The question becomes whether there is enough phosphorus in the soil to support what we are trying to grow.
            When we grow vegetables and fruit trees in soils, these plants take minerals from the soil and store them in their leaves, flowers and fruit, stems and roots. We eat roots, stems, leaves and fruits of different plants. This is how we get the minerals in our body to support our health.
            When we grow plants and harvest them, we remove whatever minerals they removed from that soil. These minerals need to be replaced in the soil. We replace them by applying soil amendments like compost or fertilizers or both to these soils.
            Some minerals are needed in large amounts by plants while others are needed in small amounts. Phosphorus is needed in large amounts. When we intensively grow vegetables and fruit in a small area and harvest them, nutrients need to be put back in the soil.

            Phosphates found in fertilizers provide enough phosphorus for most plants. Adding 
Viragrow carries traditional Triple Super Phosphate and Bone Meal
compost to the soil supplies the microorganisms needed to help plants use this phosphorus. As long as the soil is healthy and vibrant by using amendments such as good quality compost, the type of phosphorus added will not make much difference.

Rock phosphate is considered an "organic" source of phosphorus even though there is nothing "organic" about it. It comes from minerals found in the soil. This points out some of the confusion regarding the word "organic" when it comes to gardening. Many composts have phosphorus in the "organic" form including composts made from biosolids. Who knows where these "rock phosphates" come from and what they have in them that may or may not make them acceptable for "organic" gardening.

Viragrow Delivers!