Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Plum Leaves Yellow After Iron Application. Why?

Q. I have a Burgundy plum tree that is 3 years old. The older leaves are starting to get some yellow in them. I applied Arizona's Best Kerex Super Iron Chelate for high alkaline soils in mid-March when I first noticed the problem. The new leaves do not show any yellow in them so I don't think it's an iron issue.

A. It is still an iron issue. You said the NEW leaves do not show any yellow. That means your KeRex application in March worked. Iron does not move around inside the tree once the plant takes it up, it only goes into the new growth after the application was made. Older growth stays yellow.
Plum tree new growth darker green color while older growth still yellow.
This is due to a late soil application of an iron chelate.
The only way to solve yellowing on the older leaves is with iron applications applied to the foliage. This is why SOIL applications of iron are important to make in January before new growth appears.
It is not too hot to late to make foliar applications of iron if done during the cool morning hours. Normally it will take four or five sprays a couple of days apart to get it to completely green up.
Older leaves of plum showing green veins and yellow leaf
typical of an iron shortage.
Any iron product that has been labeled for foliar applications to fruit trees should work for you. However, I would strongly suggest that any water mixed with all foliar applied product should be distilled water so that the pH is close to neutral (7) or that you adjust the tap water close to neutral as well.
You can use vinegar. About 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a gallon of water should be enough but you should check it with lit

mus paper. Litmus paper used for adjusting the pH of pool water is fine.
The second thing that you need to apply with any fertilizers applied to the leaves of plants (foliar applied) is a wetting agent. Some people may use liquid detergents with good success. I worry a little bit about all of the other personal care products in liquid detergents.
I prefer to use a wetting agent that is manufactured for that purpose. There are several available. I consult for Viragrow and I know their product lines very well. I happen to like a product they carry called EZ Wet for doing this. I think it runs for about $14 per quart.
Iron product used for spraying fruit tree leaves
to correct yellowing
You usually add one or 2 teaspoons or a tablespoon in each gallon of finished spray solution. Some people have claimed success with products like Dr. Bonners and Castile soap. I have never use these products so I don't know.

Here is the sequence you would use:

  • Use either distilled water or adjust the water you are using to a pH of seven using vinegar. Use only as much as you think you will need with one application.
  • Add an iron product to this pH adjusted water that is labeled as a foliar applied iron fertilizer for plants. Follow the label rate. Adjust the pH before you add the iron.
  • Add a wetting agent like EZ Wet to the total amount of finished spray. Do not add it first and then add water. Add only at the very end.
  • Mix the water, iron fertilizer, vinegar and wetting agent thoroughly.
  • Apply it early in the day or late in the day when temperatures are cool. Apply enough of the mixture until this mixture begins to run off the surface of the leaves. More than this is just wasteful.
  • Use all of the product that you have mixed. Do not save it for a later application. If you have more than you need, apply it to other plants or the soil surrounding the tree.
  • Rinse your sprayer thoroughly.

Apply the solution to the leaves every couple of days until they turned dark green. More than one application will be needed.

Viragrow Delivers!

Which Soil Mix to Use for Sod?

Q. We have an area that is about 20×20. We are planning to install sod in this area. We need to bring in about 6 inches of soil before we install the sod. I just called about of your soil mixes and you gave me a lot of good info. But I need all the options in written form how to mix the soil before to installing the sod.

Viragrow Garden Soil containing compost and washed silica sand
A. I gave you two options; the first was to use our Garden Soil Mix which is a mixture of compost and washed silica sand and apply enough to bring it up to finished grade. Your 20×20 area would require 8 cubic yards at a cost of $35 per yard plus sales tax and delivery.

You can layer our Garden Soil Mix on top of your existing fill IF water drains through your existing soil fast enough. However, if your soil does not drain quickly then it is best not to layer them. If the area that you needed to fill was 12 inches deep or more, then there would be no problem layering our Garden Soil Mix on top and you would not need to go through this next step.
If soil particles do not have the correct air and water
balance between them, roots will not grow.

To find out if water drains fast enough so you can layer them
  •  Dig a hole at least 12 inches deep in the existing soil. I use a posthole digger.
  • Fill this hole twice with water. The first time allow the water to drain then fill the hole a second time.
  • Time how long it takes for the water to drain after the second filling. If water drains from the hole in less than four hours, you can layer our Garden Soil Mix on top of your existing soil. If water drains a lot slower than this then you will create a problem if you layer the two mixes on top of each other.

Ammonium phosphate, a traditional 'starter'er"
When two soils that drain differently are layered on top of each other it is difficult for roots of plants to grow from one layer into the deeper layer. Instead, the roots become shallow because they prefer the mixture of water and air in the top layer. Turfgrass with shallow roots are more prone to diseases, lack heat tolerance and develops dry spots.

If you think the soils should not be layered, you can still use Garden Soil Mix on top of your existing soil with this modification. 
Apply a 2 to 3 inch layer of Garden Soil Mix on top of your existing soil and cultivate or rototill it into the existing soil, mixing the two together. Lay the remaining garden soil on top of this mix and sod over the top of it.
Mixing the two soils together where they interface helps water movement transition from one soil type to another soil type that is very different.

Soil that is prepared for sod or seed should be firmed and not “fluffy”. When walking across the surface your feet should not sink more than ½ inch deep. If your feet sink more than this, roll the soil to firm it up before sodding or seeding. Use a starter fertilizer such as 16-20-0 before seeding or sodding to encourage rooting. After laying sod, immediately apply water to the sod that has been laid.

New Product for Ant and Borer Control

Adonis 2F is a systemic, conventional insecticide that is particularly effective on killing and controlling borers in trees for up to one year. It can also control aphids, stink bugs and thrips on plants that are difficult to control by spraying. 

Apply to the soil surrounding these plants after they have finished flowering. This is a liquid product and can be diluted with water and applied as a soil drench allowing the plants to absorb it through their roots. 

Other uses for this product include termite control around the foundations of homes, carpenter ants and cockroaches. Adonis 2F is a 2% concentrated liquid that can be diluted in water at a rate of approximately 1/3 to 2/3 fluid ounce per gallon or 27.5 ounces per 50 to 100 gallons.

Retail is $35 for 27.5 fl oz.

Viragrow Delivers!

New Product for Lowering Soil Alkalinity (pH)

Have you wanted to grow southern highbush blueberries in the Mojave desert but the soil pH was too high? How about azaleas and rhododendrons? Camellias? Hydrangeas? Lower your soil pH to 5.5?

If you have ever tried using sulfur it doesn't work because it breaks down so slowly. I guess you could smash it with a hammer before you apply it.

You just might be able to do it with this product. I tried Organic Magic and a few ounces of this product lowered the pH of tap water to 3.3! It breaks apart easily with water so you can apply it directly to the soil surface and water it in.  And it is approved for organic crop production.A very interesting product that may have a very important niche where desert soils.

Retail $30 for a 30 lb bag.

Viragrow Delivers!

Cactus Juice. Viragrow Has It! Check our Prices!

Q. I have had very good results with the Cactus Juice product you mentioned, which is why I almost had a fit when I found out that a local nursery no longer carries it.  I use it a lot in my cactus garden, which is 51'x8' with almost 60 plants.  They told me the product had been discontinued but that isn't true.  I ordered 4 bottles from Home Depot online and had it shipped straight to my home.

I'm going to buy that new product from Viragrow, Organic Magic, to lower the pH of my soil and try to grow Azaleas and experiment with some other flowers, that would be awesome.

A. Viragrow has been carrying Cactus Juice all along. Home Depot charged you $6.88 plus tax for it. Viragrow has it retailing for $5.00 plus tax. We are very price competitive on alot of things.

Viragrow Delivers!

Compostable Bags. What are they?

According to the ASTM International Standards, compostable plastic is plastic which is “capable of undergoing biological decomposition in a compost site as part of an available program, such that the plastic is not visually distinguishable and breaks down to carbon dioxide, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass, at a rate consistent with known compostable materials (e.g. cellulose). and leaves no toxic residue.” 

Compostable plastic bags are distinct from regular plastic bags because they are usually clear or a translucent shade of green or white. Today’s compostable plastics are designed to breakdown under commercially managed composting conditions.  Most are not designed to breakdown under home composting conditions.

Some stores that carry compostable bags include;