Monday, January 13, 2020

Leaf Yellowing and Scorch Could Be Bugs

Scorchy leaves and yellowing could be lots of things.
Check out your discolored and scorchy leaves. This could be a number of things like watering, salts, fertilizer but aphids are still active now in the heat as well as whiteflies.

Good guy or bad guy? Good guy but he/she is outnumbered!
I see some ladybird beetles (ladybugs) out there but there is jut not enough of them to keep them in check.

When you see leaves like that in the garden, turn them over. Do you think if you were busy feeding, would you be on the TOP of the leaf or in the shade on the BOTTOM. Of course. On the bottom.

Bottom of squash leaf.
Flip the leaf over and you will see some bug activity. This tells you that you need to spray. And you must spray on the bottom of the leaves as well as the top. Insecticidal soap, Neem oil, pyrethrums,... anything labeled for vegetables and insect control, particularly aphids and whiteflies. You don't have to but we hope you will consider Viragrow for your pest control needs!

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