Monday, January 13, 2020

Smell the Difference: Viragrow's "Organic" Compost Made from the Forest

Smell the difference!

Viragrow is bringing in manure and biosolid-free compost, made entirely from forest products which have never been sprayed with any pesticides, from northern Utah. This compost has been treated with microorganisms at the composting facility that help speed up the decomposition process of this natural, woodchip-based product.
Viragrow's Organic Compost
Once it arrives in Las Vegas Viragrow fortifies this compost with enough nitrogen to bring the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) into an acceptable range for all landscape plants as well as vegetables. This is about as close as we can get to a truly "organic"compost. No worries about biosolids, animal manure products, commercial kitchen waste, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products. If we could follow the life history of all those forest trees used to make this compost, we could apply to USDA for organic certification! But that paper trail is impossible so this is as close as we could get. That's what we named it, Viragrow's Organic Compost. We hope our customers will appreciate our efforts to bring you what you wanted. We could smell the difference and it put a smile on our faces!

Viragrow Delivers!

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